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With A Nudge From China, Pak Army Set To Wrest Control Of CPEC

CPEC chairman Asim Saleem Bajwa (front row, 4th from left) seen during a meeting with members of the Pak cabinet in August where he gave an update on projects being executed under it. (Pic: @AsimSBajwa)
In the next few days, Pakistan's National Assembly will pass an Act setting up the CPEC (China Pak Economic Corridor) Authority. The Act formalises the Army's already existing hold over CPEC since its head will be the current chairman and former ISI chief Lt-General (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa. The controversial ‘The China Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2020’ was passed by a standing committee of the Pak National Assembly last month. It was opposed tooth and nail by the Pak Opposition but the Imran Khan-led government was able to bulldoze it through the panel as it had a majority. ...Read More