South Asia and Beyond

Better Understanding And More Dialogue Will Push Forward India-U.S. Trade Deal

PUNE: Indians must take more pride in its contribution to the global economy, says KV Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor To The Government of India. Speaking to Ashwin Ahmad, Subramanian quotes the late prominent economic historian Angus Maddison and states that India was the prominent economic superpower in the world from 1 AD to 1750 accounting for as much as one-third of the world’s GDP. On the likelihood of an India-U.S. trade deal happening, he believes that better understanding and more dialogue between the nations could see some movement on this front.

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Ashwin Ahmad

Traveller, bibliophile and wordsmith with a yen for international relations. A journalist and budding author of short fiction, life is a daily struggle to uncover the latest breaking story while attempting to be Hemingway in the self-same time. Focussed especially on Europe and West Asia, discussing Brexit, the Iran crisis and all matters related is a passion that endures to this day. Believes firmly that life without the written word is a life best not lived. That’s me, Ashwin Ahmad.
