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Iran’s New President Dr Pezeshkian Has Been Elected To Improve Life For Iranians

Iran’s new president has been described as a reformist by the Western media but Prof Seyed Mohammad Marandi of Tehran University, says that in Iran, reformist means different things. Dr Masoud Pezeshkian sees himself as a centrist in Iranian politics, someone who is left leaning and a social justice advocate as well.

Given that Iran’s new president was disallowed from contesting some years ago, was his election this time pre-ordained?

It was a “competitive election”, Marandi told StratNews Global on The Gist. “Just like previous presidential elections, we had many debates on television. The original six candidates had 20 hours of debates, very hard hitting and in the second round, the top two candidates had two extensive debates which were quite harsh.”

What is the message from the electorate?

“Ninety per cent of the electorate saw the economy as their top priority. Iran’s new president was elected because they believe that he was best equipped to deal with the country’s economy,” Prof Marandi said. “There is a strong sense, among Iranians that someone needs to become president who will be able to make life easier for ordinary citizens.”

On the nuclear issue, Marandi said “Everything will depend I think on Washington. Two years ago, we came to an agreement and a couple of weeks ago, Joseph Borrell (European representative to the nuclear negotiations) said in an interview that the Iranian demands are reasonable and he hopes the Americans will accept the deal so we can move on. ”

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Prof Marandi said Iran abides by its international commitments within the framework of the NPT and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iran had agreed to limit certain activities in order to create trust and did that for years. But Iran was the only side that was committed to its obligations within the framework of the deal.  Whereas the Americans and Europeans violated their side of the bargain from day one.

Iran’s nuclear program has always been a peaceful one and the International Atomic Energy Agency issued 15 statements saying that Iran was fully committed to it.  Iran allows the International Atomic Energy Agency to monitor nuclear facilities, but it gives the same sort of access that South Korea or Japan gives. No less and no more.

On women, Marandi pointed out that before the Islamic Revolution in 1979, girls did not go to school.  Today there is universal education and most university students are women. The issue of the hijab is not as controversial as one may think. Some people who are Hindu or Christian and Muslim may believe in their faith but may not practice it.

It’s not a big issue but like everything else when it comes to Iran, the West creates a very negative image.

“I think that ties with India will continue to expand, the Chabahar agreement was a symbolic and important move,” Prof Marandi said. “India’s support for Iran joining BRICs is something that has not gone unnoticed. The opportunities are very big. And I think the president elect and the Indian prime minister will do their best to exploit these opportunities.”

“I think that India should push hard, especially at the beginning of the new presidency, to expand these achievements and push them forward more swiftly. I think the Iranian side would, should also do the same.”