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India Votes In Favour Of Historic UNGA Resolution Declaring Full Membership For Palestine


India was one of the major countries at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that voted in favour of a resolution declaring that Palestinians qualify for full member status at the UN. The vote was 143 votes in favor, nine against, including the US and Israel, while 25 countries abstained.

The vote is however seen as symbolic given the fact that membership can only come with the unanimous approval of the UN Security Council. It is most likely the US would exercise its veto to kill such a move. Nevertheless, UN observers stated, this showed the growing isolation of the US and Israel on the issue.

“The vast majority of countries in this hall are fully aware of the legitimacy of the Palestinian bid and the justness of their cause, which faces fierce attempts to suppress it and render it meaningless today,” said the UAE. ambassador, Mohamed Abushahab, as he introduced the resolution on behalf of the Arab Group.

The passing of the resolution does benefit Palestine in some ways though. An NYT report says that Palestinians will now get diplomatic privileges with the passing of the resolution. Palestinians can now sit among member states in alphabetical order; they can speak at UNGA meetings on any topic instead of being limited to Palestinian affairs; they can participate at U.N. conferences and international meetings organized by the Assembly and other United Nations entities.

There was great drama during the passing of the resolution. Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan tweeted on X sharing a video of his speech at the UN. “Watch my speech against the despicable decision to give rights of a state to the terror supporting Palestinian Authority. I shredded the “UN Charter” to illustrate what the General Assembly is doing by subverting the Security Council and supporting the entry of a terror entity.”

Ambassador Erdan who has become increasingly critical of the UN regarding issues on Israel has pulled out a tiny shredder whereby he shredded the entire UN charter in front of the UNGA.


Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the U.N., told the Assembly ahead of the vote that Palestinians’ right to full membership at the UN. He said that Palestinian statehood “are not up for negotiations, they are our inherent rights as Palestinians.” He added that a vote against Palestinian statehood was a vote against the two-state solution. After the vote, he raised his fist in the air and said. “Free Palestine.”

The UN assembly broke into applause.

Reacting to the vote, Arab media quoted a statement from Hamas that said that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution on Palestinian statehood is an acknowledgement of “the necessity of our Palestinian people obtaining their legitimate rights.”

“We call on the free countries of the world to intensify their efforts and provide all means of assistance and support to our Palestinian people, who yearn for freedom and to achieve their right to self-determination,” Hamas said in the statement.

(Reuters and Agencies)