NEW DELHI: Nearly 10 months after Russia invaded Ukraine, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to predict an outcome. There’s nothing to suggest either side is ready to stop hostilities although public declarations have been made loaded with caveats. The sole beneficiaries seem to be the US and European arms industry and of course China. In this conversation on The Gist, Lt. Gen. Subrata Saha, former deputy chief of army staff who was also member of the National Security Advisory Board, notes that this war has not seen the kind of manoeuvers reminiscent of recent wars in Iraq or Kuwait or for that matter World War II. Rather both Ukraine and Russia appear weakened, lacking numerical strength and showing operational deficits. Brute force seems to be the norm, helped in no small measure by the convergence of air space and ground assets. There are lessons in this for India as we embark upon reforms that could over the next decade see a decline in military numbers with perhaps an impact on soldier skills. Tune in for more in this conversation with t. Gen. Subrata Saha.