NEW DELHI: On #TalkingPoint, Niva Yau, Senior Researcher at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia in conversation with StratNews Global Associate Editor Amitabh P. Revi.
Niva Yau discusses her testimony before the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission during its hearing this month on “China’s Activities and Influence in South and Central Asia ”. Ms Yau ‘presented views on the strategic importance of Central Asia to China, the ways that Chinese economic engagement in the region assisted its political goals, the current state of Chinese investments, competition with Russia in the region, local perspectives given changes in the recent geopolitical landscape, and provided policy recommendations for the United States and its allies to support growth and sustainable development in Central Asia. Ms Yau recommended 1) support for Central Asian integration, and integration to the global system, 2) working with Asian allies of the United States, such as Japan, South Korea and Thailand, 3) sustaining access to local knowledge for refined communication strategies, and 4) avoiding isolation of Afghanistan.’