Home Simply Nitin ‘Each Time China Needles, Taiwan’s Resolve Grows Stronger’

‘Each Time China Needles, Taiwan’s Resolve Grows Stronger’

TAIPEI: Chinese President Xi Jinping, now into his third term, has displayed unhindered aggression towards Taiwan, with the sole intent of reunifying it with the mainland. He wouldn’t hesitate to use force towards that end, as he has said. After U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in early August this year, China upped the ante, launching military exercises perilously close to Taiwan; incidents of Taiwanese airspace violations have gone up significantly. In this episode of ‘Ask Nitin’, StratNews Global Editor-in-Chief Nitin A. Gokhale who was in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei this week shares his experience and talks to Suyash Desai, a research scholar who is in Taiwan, and Namrata Hasija, who has lived and studied in Taiwan and now works with CCAS, a New Delhi based think tank, for their perspectives.

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