India has described as “deeply regrettable”, the breach of the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala, Tripura. The breach happened when a rally was taken out in the city by the Hindu Sangharsh Samity, an affiliate of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), protesting against the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh.
VHP’s Tripura Secretary Sankar Roy told journalists in Agartala that “Since the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government, attacks are being carried out on Hindu temples and Hindu houses and Hindu businesses are being looted in Bangladesh.”
He said that “Recently, ISKCON’s Chinmoy Prabhu raised voice against the atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh, and was arrested and sent to prison on false charges. We want his unconditional release.”
A memorandum to this effect was also submitted to the Assistant High Commissioner of Bangladesh, Arif Mohammad.
More than 50 protestors entered the premises creating panic among the staff and officials. They were later dispersed but the Bangladesh interim government in a post on X, said it “deeply resents the violent attack on the Assistant High Commission in Agartala this afternoon the vandalisation of the mission premises and the desecration of the Bangladesh flag”.
India’s Ministry of External Affairs said “Diplomatic and Consular properties should not be targeted under any circumstances. Government is taking action to step up security arrangements for the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi and their Deputy/Assistant High Commission in the country.”
In Dhaka, Foreign Affairs Adviser Mohd Touhid Hossain briefed Indian and other diplomats at the state guest house Padma. The briefing covered the arrest of Chinmoy Krishna Das with Hossein indicating the government had clarified its position.
“No one will be victimised because of their religious identity,” the Dhaka Tribune quoted him as saying, “Communal harmony is an integral part of our society.The government is determined to maintain it.”
He indicated that foreign office consultations between India and Bangladesh could take place this month. No dates were mentioned.