South Asia and Beyond

The Chinese Checkers

CHENNAI: The world is clear that the coronavirus originated in China. Whether it originated in a laboratory or a wet market of Wuhan is a matter of debate. However, one thing is certain. Once human to human transmission was confirmed, international travel was allowed by the Chinese while domestic travel was banned. Deliberately? The world […]Read More

Corona, The Chinese Chernobyl

CHENNAI: The Chinese virus has spread to the rest of the world. It crippled thriving economies and destroyed the subsistence economies of vastly underprivileged people. More importantly, it caused death and devastation of innocent people and their livelihood across all barriers. Slowly but steadily the finger of blame for this pandemic has swung towards China. Despite […]Read More

The Wider National Problem Beyond Pinaka

CHENNAI: The Comment “Long range artillery aided with precision can be a suitable complement for air-power and lack of fighter sqns of the IAF. The precision and low cost should be enough for us to procure the same. The precision element included in long range rockets will also moderate the myth of rockets being area […]Read More