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A Guide To Contemporary China

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Cybersecurity Sector Must Better Deal With Cyber Attacks By Hegemonic Powers: CPPCC member

China’s cybersecurity sector should strengthen its efforts to build strategically superior capability to be capable of dealing with the all-around suppression launched by hegemonic powers, according to a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). In an interview with the Global Times, Xiao Xinguang, a CPPCC member and founder of leading anti-virus company Antiy Labs, said that institutions and companies in cyber-security field in China should work to build strategically superior capabilities so they can properly counter high-level attacks. He added that the continued increase in investment in cyberattack capabilities by some hegemonic states has led to the increased militarization of cyberspace. There is a risk of economic and social operations collapsing out of control due to high-intensity cyber attacks from actors with state backgrounds.

Source: Global Times

China To Launch New Financial Regulator In Major Supervisory Overhaul

China will set up a national financial regulatory administration, according to a plan submitted Tuesday to the national legislature for deliberation, in the biggest overhaul of the country’s financial supervisory apparatus in years. The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC), the country’s banking and insurance watchdog, will be abolished, with its role of regulating sections of the financial market falling under the new body. The proposed administration, directly under the State Council, will be established based on the CBIRC, the plan said. It noted that certain functions of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) will be transferred to the new administration. Gao Ruidong, chief macroeconomist at Everbright Securities told CGTN that the reforms can help the country better regulate and guide financial institutions at the micro level, strengthen the international competitiveness of China’s financial industry, and help the industry forestall and manage potential systemic risks.

Source: CGTN

China’s Government Discuss Measures To Provide Jobs For 11 Million Graduates

Employment for graduates is a big concern right for the Chinese government On the afternoon of March 3, at the press conference of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Guo Weimin, the spokesman for the conference, bluntly stated that the total employment pressure this year is relatively high, and the number of college graduates is expected to exceed 11.5 million. This year’s government work report also pointed out that “implementing the policy of giving priority to detailed employment and placing a more prominent position on promoting the employment of young people, especially college graduates.” The topic of graduate employment has become a hot topic during the two sessions this year. Delegate members said that due to the influence of multiple factors such as the “frequent outbreaks of the epidemic,” the number of jobs that can be provided by the job market has “decreased” creating the phenomenon of “employment difficulty.” They suggested that deepening the reform of the talent training model and talent evaluation system in colleges and universities, strengthening the collaborative education of industry and education, strengthening employment guidance, and improving the matching degree between graduates and jobs could be some of the steps forward.

Source: The Paper

Migrants In No Hurry To Get Back To Work Post Pandemic

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China may finally be moving on from three years of strict anti-COVID-19 lockdowns, but it’s clear that migrant workers in Kangle Village are in no hurry to get back to work. But the area was hit hard by the pandemic. When Kangle experienced a wave of infections last October, tough measures were imposed. The workshops shut down for months. Thousands of migrants were put into centralized quarantine, then pressured to leave the city. After reopening, workshops are reporting a chronic lack of staff. Recruiters say that workers are increasingly refusing to take long-term jobs but focussing on short-term gig work, which offers less security but higher rates.

Source: Sixth Tone

‘She-Power’ Contributes To China’s Rural Vitalisation

China’s women are making great strides especially in the rural sector. According to the BRICS Women’s Development Report 2022, the increased level of employment of women with lower education levels has expanded the space for women’s employment in China. A key contributor here is that of entrepreneurship. The China Women’s Development Foundation (CWDF) has introduced a project for empowering women to contribute to the cause of rural vitalization. The project provides inclusive training for women in e-commerce and video creation and offers venture capital support and other resources for female entrepreneurs. Experts say that this gradual improvement of China’s digital economy infrastructure has helped increase female entrepreneurship and employment opportunities under digitalization. Overall, the number of women in the workplace in China is impressive by global standards. According to the report on the monitoring results of the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020), released by the National Bureau of Statistics in December 2021, women accounted for 43.5 percent of China’s total working population, thanks to the improving policies for employment and starting businesses over the past decade.

Source: Xinhua

Farming Reality Show Takes China By Storm

In a country where celebrities and idols are typically expected to maintain youth and beauty, this new reality TV show produced by Chinese streaming platform iQiyi has taken the internet by surprise: Become A Farmer sends 10 Gen Z male idols to a farm in East China’s Hangzhou city for 190 days. The new program, which debuted in early February, features 10 relatively unknown idols born between 1995 and 2004. In the show, the young idols are tasked with farming a massive piece of land, including a river and three fishponds. The show reflects China’s growing fascination with rural lifestyles, possibly spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic and the nation’s now-revoked anti-disease measures.

Source: Radii