Home Asia Shocked World Offers Help, Support To Find Crashed Helicopter Ferrying Iran President

Shocked World Offers Help, Support To Find Crashed Helicopter Ferrying Iran President

While neighbouring nations offered all assistance, the EU activated its satellite mapping service to aid search efforts for the helicopter that crashed with President Ebrahim Raisi, his foreign minister and other officials.
Iran rescue workers search for crashed chopper with president and foreign minister aboard.
Rescue vehicles deployed to search for the helicopter which crashed carrying Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, in Varzaqan , East Azerbaijan Province, Iran, May 19, 2024. (Azin Haghighi/Moj News Agency/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS)

Foreign governments and officials offered help and support following the news that a helicopter carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed as it flew over mountainous terrain in heavy fog on Sunday.

Here are some reactions:

Russian Foreign Ministry: “Russia is ready to extend all necessary help in the search for the missing helicopter and the investigation of the reasons for the incident.”

Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry: “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirms that it stands by the Islamic Republic of Iran during these difficult circumstances and is prepared to provide any assistance the Iranian services need.”

Turkish Foreign Ministry: “We hope that the Iranian officials, including Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian are safe and healthy.”

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Qatari Foreign Ministry: “We express the State of Qatar’s deep concern regarding the Iranian president’s helicopter experiencing a difficult landing incident. We affirm the State of Qatar’s readiness to provide all forms of support in the search for the Iranian president’s aircraft. We express the State of Qatar’s wishes for the safety of the Iranian president, the foreign minister and their companions.”

European Commission: The European commissioner for crisis management, Janez Lenarcic, said the commission had activated its satellite mapping service to aid search efforts, following a request for assistance from Iran. The Copernicus Emergency Management Service provides mapping products based on satellite imagery.

US State Department: “We are closely following reports of a possible hard landing of a helicopter in Iran carrying the Iranian president and foreign minister.”

UAE Foreign Ministry: “The United Arab Emirates stands by Iran and is ready to provide support in efforts to find a helicopter carrying the Iranian president that crashed on Sunday.”


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In a career spanning over three decades and counting, I’ve been the Foreign Editor of The Telegraph, Outlook Magazine and The New Indian Express. I helped set up rediff.com’s editorial operations in San Jose and New York, helmed sify.com, and was the founder editor of India.com.

My work has featured in national and international publications like the Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, Global Times and The Asahi Shimbun. My one constant over all these years, however, has been the attempt to understand rising India’s place in the world.

On demand, I can rustle up a mean salad, my oil-less pepper chicken is to die for, and depending on the time of the day, all it takes to rock my soul is some beer and some jazz or good ole rhythm & blues.

Talk to me about foreign and strategic affairs, media, South Asia, China, and of course India.