Home Premium 5G Can Revolutionise The Way India’s Military Operates, Communicates

5G Can Revolutionise The Way India’s Military Operates, Communicates

BENGALURU: As India concludes a fascinating 5G auction which lasted 40 rounds with the bids reaching over ₹1.5 lakh crore, all eyes are now on how 5G will change India. Since Jio entered the market, competition ensured the internet was affordable and accessible pan-India. Covid-19 pushed those on the fence as the nation grappled with lockdowns. In India's internet revolution, however, the defence sector has not been an active stakeholder. Could that change with the 5G rollout slated for October this year? 5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks. While 4G LTE focused on faster mobile broadband services than 3G, 5G is intended to be a unified, more capable platform that elevates mobile broadband experiences and supports new services such as real-time, reliable communications and the massive Internet of Things (IoT). 5G can natively support all spectrum types and bands, a plethora of deployment models and new ways to interconnect....Read More