Home The Gist ‘Xi Not Comfortable Taking On U.S., Will Be Aggressive Towards India, Taiwan’

‘Xi Not Comfortable Taking On U.S., Will Be Aggressive Towards India, Taiwan’

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NEW DELHI: The 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party has affirmed Xi Jinping’s grip over the party. As opposed to the earlier party norm of decision by consensus, it’s now Xi’s writ that runs large. There are domestic problems though. The economy isn’t doing too well; add to that rising levels of unemployment (as high as 20 per cent). Xi’s assertive foreign policies will continue, says noted China watcher Jayadeva Ranade. Speaking to StratNews Global Editor-in-Chief Nitin A. Gokhale on ‘The Gist’, Ranade said Xi Jinping isn’t comfortable taking on the U.S. yet but his aggressive stance towards India and Taiwan are expected to continue. Tune in for more.

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