Home The Gist Import of CIA’s Renewed China Focus

Import of CIA’s Renewed China Focus

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NEW DELHI: The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is redoing its sums on China, making certain organisational changes to enhance its capacity to monitor and anticipate Beijing’s policies. The goal is to ensure continued US dominance in key areas of technology including defence, energy and global health.

In this conversation on StratNewsGlobal, Vikram Sood, former chief of India’s external intelligence agency RAW (Research & Analysis Wing), looks at the import of the CIA’s renewed focus on China.

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As he notes, China has been on the CIA’s radar for decades, but in the years since 9/11, terrorism had taken top priority and along with that, the military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. That era now seems to be drawing to a close.

Tune in to this chat with Vikram Sood, on The Gist on StratNewsGlobal.