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“The Bravery, The Enthusiasm And The Zeal Of Our Young Officers Gave Us The Edge In Kargil,” Recalls Gen Mohinder Puri

Switching from counter-insurgency operations to fighting a war is tough, more so when there is little time at hand. Perhaps few would know it better than Maj. Gen. Mohinder Puri (who subsequently retired as Lt Gen), who commanded the 8 Mountain Division in 1999.

In May 1999, we were located in Sharifabad and given the task of counter-insurgency operations in North Kashmir, he told StratNews Global as part of our special series ‘Kargil: 25 Years On’.

Around the third week of May, the Corps Commander called him up and asked him to be prepared to move to Dras. He did a recce of the area, returned and made plans. Then, he was told to hang on as some other formation would be deployed there. Hours later, the plans changed. Then Army Chief Gen. VP Malik asked him whether he would like to undertake the operation. Maj. Gen. Puri agreed. “There was no choice and there should be no choice. War comes only once in a lifetime.”

“We would appreciate if there is no pressure on us. Given the terrain, the casualties are going to be high,” he told the Chief who gave the go-ahead and kept his word till the end.

25 years later, he credits the young officers and jawans for the military victory. “We owe it to them; they did a spectacular job.” Listen in for more.

Watch the previous episodes from the series here:

Part I: How Batalik Was Won

Part II: The Tololing, Tiger Hill Turning Points

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Part III: Why Pakistan Launched

Part IV: Artillery-Infantry Winning Combo In Kargil

Part V: The Paltan That Won Two Param Vir Chakras


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Nitin A. Gokhale is a media entrepreneur, one of South Asia's leading strategic affairs analyst and author of over a dozen books so far on military history, insurgencies and wars.

Starting his career in journalism in 1983, he has since led teams of journalists across media platforms.

A specialist in conflict coverage, Gokhale has covered the insurgencies in India’s North-East, the 1999 Kargil conflict and Sri Lanka’s Eelam War IV between 2006-2009.

Gokhale now travels across the globe to speak at seminars and conferences, and lecture at India’s premier defence colleges. He has founded three niche portals, Bharatshakti.in, stratnewsglobal.com and Interstellar.news.