Home US Sells Iranian Oil

US Sells Iranian Oil

In a move that will further annoy an already seething Iran, the United States is selling Iranian oil – oil that it has confiscated from Iranian tankers. Estimates suggest that the US has sold over one million barrels of oil with the money likely to go victims of “state-sponsored terrorism.” This is a veiled hint to Iran whom the US has accused of “terrorism.”

The over one million barrels of oil were taken when American ships seized and intercepted four Iranian tankers headed to Venezuela last year under the Trump regime. US officials stated that the fuel would be sold and the proceeds distributed to a fund for US terrorism victims.

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Despite an expected breakthrough with Iran under the Biden regime, US president Joe Biden is seemingly not reversing his predecessor’s decision anytime soon. Department of Justice spokesman Marc Raimondi confirmed that the sale of the cargoes had been completed, adding that the government was “still working out the final expenses”.

Iran has not commented yet.