NEW DELHI: Much has been said and written about the Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan, signed so many years ago. While the general impression sought to be conveyed is that the treaty has been a success despite the discord between the two capitals, others differ.
In this conversation on The Gist, Satish Chandra, former high commissioner to Pakistan, believes the treaty has been singularly unfair to India. He throws light on the negotiations conducted under World Bank auspices in the US, and the pulls and pressures on India. In his view, the treaty shortchanged India, the upper riparian state, which ended up conceding more to Pakistan.
Has the time come to scrap the treaty? Can India do that? With what consequences? Apart from the international criticism, it could also throw Pakistan over the edge, possibly compounding the problems India already has with that country.
More in this conversation with Ambassador Satish Chandra.