Home Pakistan ‘Amid Political Tensions, A Deep And Growing Divide Within Pakistan’s Army’

‘Amid Political Tensions, A Deep And Growing Divide Within Pakistan’s Army’

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NEW DELHI: As the confrontation in Pakistan between the Executive and the Judiciary deepens, the army too has not been unaffected. Today the divide in the army among retired and serving personnel with some backing deposed prime minister Imran Khan, and others the government of Shahbaz Sharif, is hard to paper over. In this conversation on The Gist, Ramanathan Kumar, former Special Secretary R&AW, says this poses problems for army chief Gen. Asim Munir who has also to contend with Corps Commanders loyal to Gen. Bajwa, his predecessor. Add to that, the government has now ordered the army to intensify operations against the TTP in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a strategem to avoid holding elections, claims Imran Khan. As political tempers rise and the mood in the streets gets volatile, can the ruling establishment get the better of the Khan, or will it have to succumb to his tactics? Tune in for more in this conversation on The Gist.

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