Home Asia Nepalese Unsure Of The Longevity Of The New Oli-Led Government

Nepalese Unsure Of The Longevity Of The New Oli-Led Government

Nepal’s noted commentator and journalist, Yubaraj Ghimire, in a conversation with StratNews Global, has expressed doubts about the longevity of the new Oli-led government in Nepal.

In Yubaraj’s assessment, the new government being formed by CPN (UML) and the Nepali Congress, may not be that stable.

Nepal has witnessed unstable politics and very frequent changes of government.

He says that Nepal has lost its credibility and trustworthiness in the international community.

Yubaraj says that Nepal is in a mess and the blame partly goes to India because India collaborated with Maoists- a force they called terrorists in 2006. It is time for India to review its Nepal policy.

K P Sharma Oli will be the 18th or 19th Prime Minister from the time Nepal was declared a Republic. This is yet another power-centric exercise and when such governments are formed, they are not based on principles or any major action plan for the country.

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Yubaraj says, “ I won’t say that Oli is pro China or anti China. Some of his steps have been welcomed by the Nepalese people. He has other problems. but he is very intolerant to dissent and very humiliating to his opponents. Like all the Nepalese Prime Ministers after 2006, Oli faces many corruption charges but they have blocked any investigation and got immunity.’’

On India’s perceived unease over K.P. Sharma Oli taking over as the Prime Minister of Nepal against the introduction of Nepal’s new map in 2019 which delineated areas contested with India, Yubaraj says that territorial issues are always emotive and the solution lies in the two countries activating diplomatic channels.

Yubaraj drew attention to the fact that Oli became a hero when India launched an economic blockade in Nepal in September 2015

Yubaraj, who is the Editor of Nepalese newspaper Desh Sanchar, said that it is not uncommon to hear Nepalese citizens say that perhaps monarchy was better. People feel that the centuries old monarchy was abolished at the behest of external forces without following any proper process.

He says that the issue regarding the movement for restoration of Nepal’s status as a Hindu nation, is very complicated and sensitive.