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Is Nepal’s Prolonged Political Instability Laying The Ground For The Revival Of The Monarchy?

KATHMANDU: Yubaraj Ghimire, Editor of Deshsanchar.com, an online portal in Kathmandu, looks at the pros and cons of a possible return of the monarchy in a chat with StratNewsGlobal. He analyses the circumstances surrounding the departure of the last king, the role of local politicians and India’s own maneuvers. Has the end of the monarchy contributed to strengthening national unity or has it worked otherwise, he asks. What is the ground situation, how would people react to the return of the king when an entire generation knows only an elected president. There’s also the point that Nepal’s three communist parties boast an electoral vote share of over 50%. So if the king’s return is to be decided via a referendum, it would seem the dice is loaded against the king’s return. Tune in for more in this conversation with Yubaraj Ghimire.

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