Home Indo-Pacific ‘Indo-Pacific Is Fragmented, Risk of Conflict Is High’

‘Indo-Pacific Is Fragmented, Risk of Conflict Is High’

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NEW DELHI: A war has been raging in Europe for the last year, but Dr Adrian Haack, head of the Adenauer Foundation office in India, believes it is the Indo-Pacific where the real dangers lie. In this conversation with Stratnews Global, Dr Haack referred to the geographic dimensions of the Indo-Pacific, which is an immense area criss-crossed by trade routes. It is hard to monitor effectively and even harder to defend and secure. It is also politically fragmented with many countries, some in competition, and over all of them looms the shadow of China. There is no stabilising force or organisation in the region, Dr Haack pointed out and there is always the danger of tensions spilling over. Some of these tensions are already visible in the South China Sea. Tune in for more in this conversation with Dr Adrian Haack.

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