NEW DELHI: Is Kashmir again on the brink of the kind of violence that swept the valley in the 1990s? While the targeted killings are alarming and have had widespread impact, the point is the army and state and central police forces have not lost their grip on the situation. So the short answer is no.
But as Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute of Conflict Management argues on StratNewsGlobal, the government must get its act together in terms of defining the way forward since J&K was reduced to a Union Territory three years ago. At all costs the situation must not be allowed to deteriorate further and the communal polarisation which the ruling party has set in motion, is not helping matters.
There is Islamisation happening, Pakistan continues to provide low key support to terror groups and Afghanistan under the Taliban could re-emerge as a terrorist training base.
Tune in for more in this conversation with Ajai Sahni of the Institute for Conflict Management.