A quarter century ago, in the summer of 1999, Indians were glued to their television screens and radio sets, listening to daily stories of tragedies and triumphs of the young, bold and intrepid soldiers from the frontlines of Kargil, Dras and Batalik.
India’s first televised war had the entire population transfixed and engendered patriotism not seen for many years. India was of course caught by surprise by the tactically brilliant but strategically naive Pakistani Army and its Chief Gen Pervez Musharraf.
A blame game erupted on advance warning or lack of it. Intelligence or no intelligence, the Pakistani intrusions came as a big shock for the Indian Army.
Till then its main focus was on counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir. Ladakh was low on priority. From Zoji la to Batalik, troop deployment was thin, patrolling perfunctory and occasional. The concern was about terrorist infiltration from east of Zoji la towards the Kashmir valley.
Looking back, many mistakes were made in the Kargil war at different levels but what mattered in the end was India’s victory— it came at a significant cost – over 540 dead and many more injured.
8 Mountain Division, the forever-in-operation division, is now the permanent guardian of Western Ladakh. The LoC in this sector is fully secure now.
Infrastructure has improved way beyond recognition. Batalik, Yaldor, Garkhun, Khalubar Kukarthang, areas that were not accessible in the summer of 1999 now have roads connecting the last posts.
I and a young team of camerapersons, supported by the generosity of Bharat Forge, one of India’s leading industrial house, made two extensive trips to the sector to weave together this story of Kargil, looking at those challenging months through the eyes of half a dozen war veterans who had played a key role in winning what seemed an impossible victory against all odds.
Those who made the ultimate sacrifice will never come back but they will forever remain in our memory. The 25th anniversary of Kargil is as good an occasion as any to remember the brave hearts and imbibe the right lessons from the 50-day war 25 summers ago.
Watch the previous episodes from the series here:
Part I: How Batalik Was Won
Part II: The Tololing, Tiger Hill Turning Points
Part III: Why Pakistan Launched Kargil Ops
Part IV: Artillery-Infantry Winning Combo In Kargil
Part V: The Paltan That Won Two Param Vir Chakras
Part VI: Kargil Won By The Bravery Of The Young
Part VII: When India Stood Behind Its Forces