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A Guide To Contemporary China

Military Might In Museum

When China’s founding father Chairman Mao said ‘political power flows from the barrel of a gun’, he wan’t joking. Even today, the People’s Liberation Army is the sword arm of the communist party, a point underscored by the latest military equipment that went on display in the Museum of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Beijing. The exhibits include new light arms, scale models of the Shandong aircraft carrier task group, the Z-20 helicopter and a hypersonic missile, among other items. Three years ago, the Type 15 light tank was displayed at the same museum to mark 40 years of China’s reform and opening-up.

Source: Global Times

Ban On ‘Net Celebrity Children’

The government has banned children under 16 years of age from appearing on live online broadcasts on the internet. The ban comes in the wake of a growing trend of “internet celebrity children”, whose behaviour the authorities claim, is harming the “moral” and “social” environment around them. Some of the behaviour is indeed disturbing. Last year, “a three-year-old girl was fed 70 patties for eating and broadcasting to make money,” while other children have posted “my mother died” and asked for 10,000 likes. Statistics show that in 2020, the number of underage internet users in the country reached 183 million, and the internet penetration rate for minors was 94.9%. There is cause for action. The only question is – how can it be enforced?

Source: Xinhua

Wuhan Virus On Film

China is in reel mode this summer and the latest film to hit the box office is the cinematic retelling of the battle against the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. Andrew Lau’s directorial effort Chinese Doctors which opened on July 9, features leading actor Zhang Hanyu who has dubbed for the mandarin versions of The Lord of the Rings and Shark Tale among other Hollywood films. He, along with two others, showcase the heroism of China’s medical profession as they save lives amongst the tragedy of the pandemic.. Chinese Doctors grossed over $4 million on its opening day, knocking out the revolutionary epic 1921 to become the new box office champion in China.

Source: China Daily

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Tech To The Rescue Of The Flood-Hit

From online spreadsheets to mobile apps designed to help people with disabilities and flying Wi-Fi routers, technology is being used to aid people caught in floods that have killed 51 so far. Existing apps used for everyday needs such as ordering food and checking hospitality-related reviews — including Meituan, Ele.me, and Dianping — have also stepped in to offer assistance, providing lists of hotels and supermarkets that offer free services, including accommodation, in the affected areas for those in need.

Source: Sixth Tone

World’s Largest Market For Electric Vehicles

China is home to 44% of the world’s electric vehicles (more than 4.5 million). This is almost triple the number of electric vehicles in the US. The idea is to cut back dependence on the Middle East oil, reduce air pollution in urban areas and curb carbon emissions. The government has incentivized the sale of electric vehicles with heavy subsidies, and it seems to be paying off.

Source: radiichina.com

Kodak Apologises For Instagram Post On Xinjiang

Multinationals are facing the heavy hand of the state on Xinjiang. Kodak has apologized for posting photos of Xinjiang on its official Instagram account with the caption “acute repression.” The photos were shot by Patrick Wack, a French photographer who has visited Xinjiang several times. Kodak now appears to have deleted the photos from its account after strong criticism from Chinese netizens. The deletion of the post came with a statement on Instagram. “The content of the post was provided by the photographer and was not authored by Kodak,” ran the company statement. “We apologise for any misunderstanding or offense the post may have caused.”

Source: People’s Daily