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‘Pentagon’s Blacklisting Of More Chinese Firms Part Of Concerted Efforts To Suppress China’

China’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday slammed a move by the US Defense Department to add a dozen Chinese companies to a blacklist on the excuse of prohibiting American technologies from aiding the Chinese military. The ministry urged the US to immediately correct its discriminatory practices and provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for Chinese enterprises to operate in. The Pentagon released an update to its list of so-called “Chinese military companies” operating directly or indirectly in the US on Wednesday (US time). The Chinese companies included memory chip producer YMTC and artificial intelligence company Megvii. The announcement comes amid a new wave of crackdowns by the US state apparatus against Chinese companies. On Tuesday, the Office of the United States Trade Representative released the latest so-called Notorious Markets List that claimed China was the No.1 source of counterfeit products in the world and called out China-based e-commerce and social commerce companies such as Taobao, WeChat, DHGate and Pinduoduo. On the same day, the US Congress reportedly considered new ways to restrict US investment in China that involves sensitive technology, according to the South China Morning Post.

Source: Global Times

China Slams US Over ‘Slanderous’ Cybersecurity Accusations

A spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry on Thursday said that China urges the United States to stop its worldwide cyber espionage and cyberattacks and stop smearing other countries under the excuse of cybersecurity. Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a regular news briefing in response to a related query. Wang noted that China firmly opposes all forms of cyberattacks and cracks down on such practices in accordance with the law. He said that the United States jumped to an unwarranted conclusion in the absence of valid evidence, and it has slandered and made groundless accusations against China. “It is extremely irresponsible and is a complete distortion of facts. China firmly opposes this,” Wang said.

Source: China Military

China Claims US Is Deporting Chinese Students At US Border

China claims that an increasing number of Chinese students are being harassed in the US. Chinese government authorities stated that recent incidents show that an increasing number of Chinese international students with valid documents are being harassed, interrogated, and deported by U.S. authorities. According to government authorities, preliminary statistics indicate that at least eight Chinese international students with valid documents have been harassed, interrogated, and deported by U.S. authorities at Washington Dulles Airport since late November 2023. The Chinese Embassy in the United States issued a statement on Monday, reminding students planning to study in the U.S. to carefully consider their choice of entering the country through Washington Dulles International Airport, and to take extra caution when entering the U.S. If stopped by US border law enforcement officers, the statement advised them to remain calm and answer questions rationally. If treated unfairly, they should record the details of the officials who questioned them, double-check the documents they have to sign and ask for copies so that necessary evidence can be obtained. This could be used to file a complaint on the official website of the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or the students could seek assistance from the Chinese Embassy in the US, the statement said.

Source: ecns.cn

Xi Inspects Troops Stationed In Tianjin; Urges Them To Fulfil Party’s Goals

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Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday inspected troops stationed in north China’s Tianjin Municipality ahead of the Spring Festival, or Chinese Lunar New Year. Xi said that troops stationed in Tianjin have resolutely implemented the decisions and instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC over the past year, made concrete advancement in various areas of work and excelled in completing major tasks. Commending the troops’ performance in supporting Tianjin in its flood relief efforts, Xi said their contributions have been significant to the protection of people’s lives and property. For the new year, Xi urged the full implementation of the Party’s thinking on strengthening the military and military strategy for the new era, and efforts to achieve the goals set for the centenary of the PLA in 2027.

Source: CGTN

China’s Coast Guard Monitors ‘Illegal’ Activity Of Philippine Civilian Vessel

A Chinese coast guard vessel closely monitored and supervised the entire process of a small Philippine civilian vessel which illegally ran aground on China’s Ren’ai Reef in the South China Sea and delivered supplies to a stranded military ship on Friday, China Coast Guard said in a statement on Saturday. Chinese government authorities claimed that China unequivocally holds sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, including the Ren’ai Reef and their adjacent waters, it said, adding that it will continue to carry out law enforcement activities in waters under Chinese jurisdiction, including Ren’ai Reef, in accordance with the law. Despite repeated warnings from China, the Philippines has repeatedly deployed ships seeking to deliver construction materials to the BRP Sierra Madre, a crumbling World War II-era Philippine navy vessel that the country intentionally stranded on China’s Ren’ai Reef in 1999.

Source: China Daily

China’s Smart Dragon-3 Rocket Launches 9 Satellites From Sea

China on Saturday launched a Smart Dragon-3 (SD-3) carrier rocket from the sea, sending nine satellites into planned orbit. The rocket blasted off at 11:06 a.m. (Beijing Time) from waters off the coast of Yangjiang, a city in south China’s Guangdong Province. The Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center conducted the offshore launch. It was the third flight mission to use an SD-3 rocket, said the center. The SD-3 is a solid-fueled carrier rocket that was developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology and specifically designed for the commercial space market. It is capable of both land and sea lift-offs. Liu Wei, deputy chief designer of the SD-3 rocket, said that the launch point for this mission was adjusted to a location closer to shore, resulting in reduced wind and wave conditions compared to earlier missions.

Source: China.org.cn