NEW DELHI: The spate of attacks on Indian diplomatic missions in the UK and the US by Khalistani separatists, may appear minor although concerning. The first because no lives were lost, the second because it could presage a new bout of militancy at a time when Kashmir has died down. Speaking on The Gist, former diplomat Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty, attributes the fresh wave of Khalistani activism to a government seen as soft in Punjab. Also, rich Sikhs in the US, Canada and the UK with the money to take up a cause they may feel deeply about. Ambassador Chakravarty is doubtful if Pakistan can provide the kind of funding the Khalistanis may want. Given its bankrupt state, Islamabad can ill afford to spend large sums on their cause although it will find money to send drones across the Punjab border to drop small quantities of arms and drugs. Tune in for more in this conversation with Ambassador Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty.