Home General Women Outnumber Men For First Time: Bangladesh Census

Women Outnumber Men For First Time: Bangladesh Census

For the first time, a population census has found that there are more women than men in Bangladesh. For every 100 females, there is currently around 99 males, according to the country’s sixth census the results of which were made public this week. It found that the country has a population of around 16.5 crore, excluding expatriates. This indicates that the population has grown by 2.1 crore since 2011 when the previous census was conducted. The census supposed to be held in 2021 was delayed because of Covid-19 pandemic. The latest census also found that the country is no longer experiencing a population boom, The Daily Star reports. The current population growth rate is below 1.3 per cent, down from 1.47 per cent found in the earlier census. According to the 2011 census, the total population of the country was around 14.40 crore which was around 1.8 crore higher than the number found in the 2001 census. The sixth population census was conducted across the country between June 15 and June 21 with extensive use of digital devices.

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